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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Joined 1st January 2008


Debbie Hart

Latest Discussion

“You actually entered Dungeons via a door located to the right at the top of the steps next to the Plaza.
Directly infront of the door was steps leading to the office where you paid to get in, to the right was the cloakroom and then you had to go down more steps to the bars and dance floor (passing the ladies toilet on your left)
It was a great place to go and was always full.
Had loads of great nights there :0) and then had to wait for a taxi home in the long queue opposite the CO-OP!”
17 May 2012
“hi...I remember going here..well actually running here from Dungeons and then back to Dungeons! I remember they used to have 'guest appearances' one being the guy who played Brian Tyldsley from coronation street! Names I remember are: Connor (mick) Shuffy ,Martin Mckenzie, and Paul Spencer / Spanner :0)”
03 Feb 2009
28 Jan 2008
“I remember Rotters, Dungeons and Olivers in Stockport and just outside was there was a much larger club but I cant remember the name?
The ' pubs' to be seen in Manchester were The Townhall Tavern and in Stockport The upside downstairs.”
26 Jan 2008
“I can remeber one of the guys who worked there for a while Tony Hunt..... you are right though, they thought they were actually the celebs!”
22 Jan 2008
“I know this is kinda off the subject but I used to work on a jeans stall in the now extinct Underground market ...does anyone have any photos or memories?”
21 Jan 2008
“It was...nearly all the girls dressed kinda blokey, suits etc and the guys dressed like women! mates were sid who dressed in top hat and tails and Andy who always wore a wedding dress!”
21 Jan 2008
“Hi I have just come across this site and it really brings back memories!!!
I had the same folder and remember having to have my photo taken in that small room (with all your mates laughing at you!)
Does anyone remember Mike Sweeney playing there?
and all the sub-divided genre rooms ie: the soul room, the sixties room and my favourite the Bowie/Roxy weirdo room!?”
21 Jan 2008

Places added

The Bulls Head Pub, Reddish, Stockport 4 items
The Town Hall Tavern, Manchester 0 items